Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Link Building Company - Boost Your Web Hits With Effective Online Marketing

Link building is one of the most effective and affordable online marketing strategies available. In times of economic recession, you should be seeking out the services of a link building company to ensure you keep your name front of mind for potential customers.

Link Building is Highly Recommended

If you've done any reading of the business pages lately, you've probably found lots of tips on how to survive the recession. The consensus across these articles is that you should not give up on your efforts to market your company. Your competitors will quickly take over any ground you give up in the publicity race.

So, how can you continue to market when you have a limited budget? Try search engine optimization (SEO).

A recent article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer provided some great tips on how to use simple SEO techniques to improve your company's organic search engine results. (Organic indicates that you appear high in search engine rankings naturally, and have not paid to be there.) The article suggests that you improve your Web site content and also build a web of links from other sites.

One thing the article does not mention is that link building is becoming an increasingly important factor in SEO. In fact, writer Ron Callari believes that in 2009, Google will shift its algorithm to 90% links and only 10% page content.

Clearly, link building is the way to go. But how do you get started? A few years ago, a simple link exchange with partners and clients was considered a good way to begin. The situation has changed in the last little while, and link building is considerably more involved than it once was.

Link Building Companies Have the Expertise You Need
A link building company can advise you on the most effective methods for increasing inbound links to your company's Website. If you have a strict budget, they can tailor the solutions to your finances. They may use a combination of any of the following techniques, outlined in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer article:

• Maps - Get a listing in map sites like Google Maps. With Google turning to universal search (listing everything from Web pages to images to news items in its search engine results), a map listing not only provides a link, it may also be included in search results.

• Social Media - Use the many social media sites out there to build a profile for your business and create links to your site.

• Blogs - Start a blog for your business. Use it to communicate and create links to your site.

• Articles - Write content (with links) for online article and press release databases.
Sounds straightforward, so why do you need a link building company? Here are just a few reasons:

• The content and links must contain keywords that are relevant to your business. Solid keyword research is needed before you can start building links.

• It is not enough to just write an occasional article or blog post. You need a detailed plan for continual generation of content. The more you have, the more often you will be found by search engines. The more you are found, the more relevant you are deemed to be. The more relevant, the higher the search engine ranking.

• Some databases require payment. A link building company can advise you which ones are worth paying for so you can avoid the trap of spending money on something that offers little return.

Link building is critical to successful SEO. With a link building company on your side, you can take advantage of this highly targeted and effective marketing method.

About the Author

For more information about a Link Building Company or how Social Media LinkedIn is an example of link building visit wolf21

Examples of Profile Links :

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